How To Separate Your Ecommerce Site From The Competition

As recently as a few years ago, entrepreneurs tended to think of ecommerce as a relatively simple way to make money. You set up an online store, charged less than your competitors, and watched as the buyers flocked in from Google and other sources.

Now, competitive pressure and market complexity have made Internet retailing a little bit tougher. But, you can still make big profits in ecommerce as long as you follow a few simple rules. Here are a few pieces of proven advice you should keep in mind…

Choose The Right Domain Name

Your domain name is the online address for your store. Make sure it’s clear, descriptive, and easy to spell or remember. Otherwise, customers who forget to bookmark your store might not find their way back in the future.

Pick An Ecommerce-Friendly Platform

You have lots of content management system choices for building your ecommerce site. Talk with your web designer about the pros and cons of platforms like WordPress, Magento, and Shopify. What you’re looking for is the right balance between cost, ease-of-use, and future expandability.

Know Who Your Store Is For

Every successful online store has a well-defined target market. Think carefully about what kind of people would buy from you, and why. When you know the answers to those questions, it’s easy to make decisions on products, pricing, and marketing.

Embrace Clean Design And UX

You want it to be easy to shop in your online store. That means clean pages and strong search features. A good rule of thumb is that a visitor should be able to tell what any particular page or product is about in less than a few seconds, and should be able to get from any one part of your website to another in two or three clicks.

Build Trust At Every Turn

It’s asking a lot for new customers to share their credit card numbers with you and trust that they are going to receive the items they ordered when they haven’t done business with you before. Make it easier with encrypted connections, online security notices, and money-back guarantees.

Make Marketing A Priority

Building a great ecommerce site is only the first step. To turn it into a profitable business, you have to promote it through search engine optimization, social media marketing, email newsletters, and pay-per-click advertising. You should work with a creative team that knows how these marketing channels work and can help you use them affordably and efficiently to grow your business.

Stay In Touch With Customers

Over time, your biggest and most profitable sales are going to come from repeat customers. They are also the ones who are most likely to leave you positive reviews, respond to your email offers, and sing your praises on social media. So, do what you can to keep them happy, and reach out regularly with new discounts and promotions.

If you’ve always dreamed of launching an online store and owning your own business, there’s never been an easier time to take the first step. Call a member of the Kali Interactive creative team today to schedule a free consultation!

Vaine Loera / October 27, 2016